For the Clancy Family, It’s About More Than Catholic Charities

Deon BrownAt the heart of Catholic faith is loving God and loving your neighbor, and that means having a certain responsibility to those who are poor, not in good health, or otherwise in need.

It is this long-held belief that made it only natural for the Clancy family to get involved with Catholic Charities.

The family knew several priests, who introduced Pat and Mary Anne to Catholic Charities. Their first touch point was attending a gala. And for a while that was their only connection, but then Mary Anne decided to take their participation up a notch. The couple chaired the 1993 Annual Gala. Next, Mary Anne served on the Board of Directors from 1995 to 2000 and was chair for the last two years of her term. Pat was the founding chairman of the Catholic Charities Foundation, beginning in 2002, and remained on that board or the board of Catholic Charities until 2017.

In 2002, Mary Anne joined the advisory board of the SHARE Food Network and she soon began volunteering with the SHARE Food Network. For years, she and one or more of her grandchildren would routinely volunteer to help package food for distribution. Mary Anne was leading by a hands-on example, but her grandchildren were not influenced only by her—their parents also give.

About a decade ago, Michael and Haven Clancy privately set up a foundation that collects blankets, socks, toiletries and other necessities to deliver to the homeless in the District. They were so private about it that they had been doing it for several years before their parents even found out. Michael was inspired by his children going to SHARE with their grandmother and wanted to do something to continue this legacy.

For the Clancy family, giving back is simply a part of who they are. Passing along through generations the blessings that come from giving back, they are called by the teachings of Jesus to take care of people.

Whether it is serving on the board, attending the gala, volunteering with their children or watching their grandchildren intern at Catholic Charities, the Clancys are leaving their mark and ensuring they leave the world a better place. While their commitment to Catholic Charities is rooted in their faith, they have helped countless others see that a gift to Catholic Charities is not a gift to a religious organization, but rather a donation to a community endeavor.